Präsentation der Workshopergebnisse

Lehrende der unterschiedlichen Fachrichtungen Architektur, Kommunikationsdesign und Medienkunst bieten im Rahmen des diesjährigen Werkleitz Festivals in der ersten Festivalwoche themenspezifische Workshops für interessierte Besucherinnen und Besucher sowie für Studierende an. Gemeinsam werden anhand lokaler Beobachtungen Prognosen über die Zukunft der Logistik aufgestellt. Die öffentliche Präsentation der Prozesse und Ergebnisse der Workshops findet am Samstag den 27. Oktober um 15:00 im Workshophaus des Festivalzentrums, Kleine Märkerstraße 7a, in Halle (Saale) statt. Der Treffpunkt ist am Infocounter.

Das Werkleitz Festival 2018 ist eröffnet

Das diesjährige Werkleitz Festival wurde am gestrigen Abend erfolgreich eröffnet. Noch bis zum 4. November 2018 besteht die Möglichkeit die Ausstellung sowie das Film- und Performanceprogramm im Festivalzentrum, Kleine Märkerstraße 7a zu besuchen. Wir bieten zudem mehrere Führungen durch die Ausstellung an. Weitere Informationen zum Programm gibt es HIER

Luft Gesheft

Artist Doug Fishbone will be performing Luft Gesheft one of his celebrated comic slide-show lectures, taking his audience on a journey through his mildly warped imagination. Illustrating his narration with hundreds of images downloaded from the internet, Fishbone has come up with an innovative form of story-telling that sits at the crossroads between high and low art, leading one critic to describe him as a “stand-up conceptual artist”. The work presents a form of visual rhetoric that employs strategies of advertising and propaganda to explore the often dubious relationship between image and text, and some of the more problematic aspects of contemporary Western life in an amusing and disarming way. 
Fishbone, who is based in London, has performed at many of the UK's leading venues, including the Hayward Gallery, the ICA, the Southbank Centre and the Royal Academy and exhibited at Tate Britain and the Venice Biennale amongst others.

An event in English only, organised by Werkleitz and the European Media Art Platform with the support of the EU programme Creative Europe.


Instructors in specific fields will offer thematic workshops for participants and students. Together we will generate prognoses about the future of logistics based on local observations. The results will later be publicly presented.

Logistik des Wissens
with Prof. Matthias Görlichund Peter Hermans (Informationsdesign, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle)

Wege, Strecken und Enden.
Über die Mobilität der Produktion with Jan Lemitz und Prof. Peggy Buth
(Medienkunst, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig)

Urbane Lieferketten, Knotenpunkte und Übergänge
with Prof. Nina Gribat und Dipl. Ing. Andreas Schmitt (Entwerfen und Städtebau, Technische Universität Darmstadt)

The workshops are free of charge. Since only a limited number of spaces are available please register in advance:

Excursion // Star Park & Radial Fulfillment

Star Park is an industrial park that covers 230 hectares or 570 acres. Responsible for its development and for attracting new companies is the city-owned Saale Investvision company. The original development of the area took place around the turn of the millennium with the goal of attracting the BMW factory, which was later opened in Leipzig. In 2002 the alternative plan for the site as an industrial park went into effect. Since then different firms have relocated there, most of them from the logistics industry. After a bus tour of the park’s logistics landscape, the excursion takes participants to Radial Fulfillment, an independent company that until 2016 was part of the eBay company. Radial provides complete order fulfilment services for online retail companies, in short: everything after the “click”.

Meeting point:
Kleine Märkerstraße 7a
06108 Halle (Saale)

Guided tour with: Dieter Götte (Halle Saale Investvision), Ulf Bellersheim, Sven Schirmer (Radial Fulfillment) 
The tour and excursion are free of charge. A shuttle bus will be provided for the excursion. Since only a limited number of participants can take part, please register in advance by writing an email to:
Please register by 29 October 2018.

Holen und Bringen

Logistics is the basis of globalization and an occupational reality for thousands of individuals in the Halle/Leipzig region. Logistics determines the beat and rhythm of our time. It affects societal processes and organizes the flow of goods, information and people. Wherever logistics is based on the infrastructures of de-industrialized economies and residential environments it is accompanied by promises of prosperity. Here the production of movement takes the place of the production of goods or content, shaping landscapes, influencing regions and defining humans’ everyday lives. Against the backdrop of globalized trade and digital networks such developments are simultaneously taking place at different locations worldwide, which in turn provides insights about historical and political connections. Utilizing an artistic perspective to enable a broad discussion on logistic processes and to render the individuals involved in these processes visible apart from efficiency principles is the goal of the 2018 Werkleitz Festival.

The international works in the exhibition and the film and performance program place the festival’s themes in a global context. The colloquium serves to facilitate open discourse on the tendencies of logistics and expands the festival’s scope with speculations on future processes and systems. Guided excursions to regional locations and a week-long workshop with students of various art academies intensify the examination on site. A bilingual festival catalogue with texts by international authors will be presented at the opening.